Distance learning forum meeting Thursday 14 May

On behalf of Susie and myself, we hope that all of you are keeping well and safe during this extraordinary circumstance. Goes without saying, that all of us are trying our best to overcome all current challenges and being as productive in our jobs within our own home environment, as on campus, steering technology and pushing it to its limits. This time around the Distance Learning Forum aims to connect with you from a ‘distance’, not that we have not done this before, but within the comfort of your own home.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our next DLF meeting, the second for 2020, which takes place on Thursday 14 May, 14.05-14.55 hrs, on DLF Teams. If you wish to attend this session but not a member, you could click here. Feel free to join in 5 minutes earlier to say hello, however, please note the shorter time and the freer format than normal.

The focus for Thursday will be to discuss the challenges that we are facing as staff, with our distance learners. Are we doing anything new for our distance learners?  It will give you an opportunity to bring to the floor your own experiences of negotiating with your distance learners in the current ‘lock down’ circumstances due to Covid 19 outbreak. We also hope to embed any benefits we may have encountered into our future ODL offering.

In line with the focus for the day, we would like to invite you to give a short 10-minute presentation where you could share your experience with us. Please let us know before the Friday 8 May. You could email me q.k.s.z.abdullah@dundee.ac.uk or Susie S.J.Schofield@dundee.ac.uk with your topic and a brief outline so that we could add you to the agenda. We hope to hear from you with regards to this.  

As usual will begin with a welcome from Susie and brief introduction. We are proud to have Professor Blair Grubb, Vice Principle for Education, who will give a short reflection on the last 3 months and going forwards with the current circumstances.

The second half of the meeting will consist of short presentations based on the day’s focus followed by open discussion. Before we end our meeting, we will reflect on what we have learnt and open for Q&A. We also invite for any thoughts on topics that you would like to have for future meetings.

Just before we leave, I would like to kindly request you to join us sing ‘Happy Birthday to You’ to virtually celebrate 25th Birthday of the DLF.  

We hope that it will be an enlightening, informative and exciting afternoon for all. It will also be an excellent opportunity to virtually get to know our colleagues/ distant learning enthusiast from around the University. Please join us to find out more in detail, and also to have some healthy discussion. We sincerely look forward to seeing you there.

Qabirul and Susie

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