Category: Panopto

Decommissioning of Panopto Service

As previously announced, Panopto is being decommissioned in favour of our new Video service: YuJa. We had already removed access to Panopto (30/08/2019) and the service will now be closed completely on 19/10/2019. This should not affect any users as they should already have moved to YuJa, so this notice is just for information….

New video service + retirement of Panopto and Kaltura

After a recent procurement process we are pleased to announce the implementation of a new video service called Yuja. This service will be made available for the start of the new academic year, providing an easy way to record, edit, manage and distribute video assets for education. With the arrival of Yuja, we will be…

Announcing the retirement of Panopto and Kaltura

With the introduction of Yuja as our new video service, Panopto (pilot) and Kaltura will be retired.  It is important for existing users of these services to understand how we are managing these retirements and what will happen to any content you may have stored in them. Summary Date Action Notes 16/08/2019 Deadline for users…

Dev Diaries #7: Digital Campus Roadmap 2019

The Digital Campus is the collection of platforms, tools and services that make up our elearning provision at the University of Dundee. We’ve coined this particular term to reflect our long term goal of moving beyond the simple delivery of tools to create a connected online environment to support education and education related activities across the university….