Every year, the Dundee Women’s Festival, a city‐wide event, takes place in Dundee, during the first two weeks of March including International Women’s Day on 8th March. This festival is organised by women in the local community and is an established and popular festival. This year is the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day and the University is contributing 8 events led by staff and students to the Festival. These events celebrate women and their contributions plus look at the challenges that women continue to face. Amy Cameron from Life Sciences tells us about some of the projects with which she has been involved.
Today, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, who fought for us to be able to do the things we do today. One particular event looks back at twelve women who were either born in Dundee or lived in Dundee and made important contributions to science. Dundee’s Wonder Women of Science is an exhibition of posters created by DJCAD graduate James Gemmill. The content about these women was provided by Matthew Jarron and Caroline Brown from Museum and Archive Services at the University. You will learn about Rebecca Strong, a pioneer of formal training for nurses, and Margaret Fairlie, the first woman professor in Scotland amongst many others.
You can view these stunning posters at the Overgate Shopping Centre in Dundee for two weeks from Monday 8 March. They will be viewable from outside, through the glass façade (please remember to follow current Scottish Government Guidance when visiting the exhibition). If you miss the exhibition or cannot visit, the posters are also available to view online
For the younger history buff, we have created an activity pack which includes a crossword and colouring sheet.
To learn about Women in Science who work at the University of Dundee today, we have partnered with Dundee Science Centre for a week of information and activities on their Home Learning Programme.
Check out the wide array of events on offer in the Dundee Women’s Festival Programme