First thoughts

Initial thoughts

In the SFHEA kick off meeting on campus, we covered the key points of what needed to be in an application. It’s still 2 case studies, and, assessment is likely to be key in mine. I’ve called it “Innovation” this time, though I’d argue that often what I’m thinking isn’t really innovative; but it forms a key part of my role. Martin Compton summarised the link between AI, AI & AI , summarising something I’d previously thought, though not actioned. When looking  at Academic Integrity and at Artificial Intelligence (both frequently discussed, and often overlapping) – it’s very obvious that many assessment practices are dated. What worked  (or didn’t) 100 + years ago, is even more vulnerable today.

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The other focus I think I’ll take is looking at Template Design or Structure. This, to me, is a contrast, as a module template, by its very nature is providing structure for the learning material. It’s not structuring the learning itself, rather the way in which students, staff and others can locate content. Ease of locating material enables students to expend their efforts engaging with it. It’ sometimes seen as stifling innovation, so that’s where I need to focus.