Food Futures

Our group has decided to focus our project on the future of veganism and how different aspects of animal agriculture have an impact on us. We researched antibiotic resistance in regards to the meat industry, deforestation and climate change. We highlight the current effects these issues have on our health, climate etc. and how this will impact the future. We will propose situations suggesting what could be different, leading to a more positive future.

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  1. In your opinion, will becoming vegan have an impact on the production of meat in general thus resulting in the loss of a lot of peoples livelihoods?

    • I should hope so! Humans are adaptable, there are always ways to survive. Our priority as a species ought to be preserving the rainforests, not expanding pastures as the population grows.

      Not suggesting we stop farming cattle; but to gain control, stop expanding at such an extreme rate.

  2. Really good presentation! Super interesting stuff there, did you know that there was a bit of a cover up of the fact that cows are technically endangered species! This is because they don’t have enough genetic variation to survive one lethal disease. I found it interesting that despite the fact that it seems to simply make sense to make shift, and many people admit to this, we seem to be unwilling to let go of the luxury of eating meat, and it is a luxury. I wonder how often we would have naturally been able to eat meat in the past..

    • I didn’t know that cows are endangered! fascinating.
      did you know there are more chickens in the world than humans? the industry is out of control, focused on short term profit.

      Meat may be a luxury in wealthier countries like here in the UK, but veganism is quite impossible for most of the world.
      so we should all make small changes, wherever possible.
      start with just one vegan meal!
      buy meat locally from butchers not supermarkets.

  3. What made you guys interested in this topic, are any of you vegan yourself?
    How do you feel about vegan alternatives, is there a wide enough range?

  4. I think you used visuals in a great way to enhance but not distract from what you were saying. Do you feel that veganism is a way to learn to eat food without the concept meat or a way to adapt meat dishes in a more environmentally friendly way, i.e mushrooms disguised as meat ?

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