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Though the documentation of children is not a novel practice, as the years have passed, a new mutation has emerged – which goes by the term of “Sharenting.” A word that has fused together the ideas of sharing the experiences of parenthood, though the concept itself encapsulates much more than that loose summarisation. For decades, eager new parents have excitedly captured the gurgling inception of their babies first moments, wether it be a shaky birds eye view of a bassinet, with chubby legs kicking skyward and a fist stuffed in a drooling mouth or a toddlers first galumph across green grass into the arms of beaming family members – photographing and recording children has been an integral part of capturing the beauty and innocence of childhood – moments in which it would be impossible to relive. However with the introduction of social media and streaming services in the 21st century, this has turned the the once private tradition of documenting one’s own offspring into something that many families can now capitalise upon. In the following report the exploration of Sharenting, along with it’s issues, benefits, and uncharted territories will be discussed, and why it will shape the future the children shall inherit.
The introduction to your project is very well written with some great use of vocabulary. There are some grammatical errors however. The poster is good as it gives us an easy introduction into what the project is about.
Thank you for your constructive criticism, we are glad you enjoyed the poster and found it informative!
What made your interested in doing this topic?
It is such a new idea so we were interest to see if in the future it would become a totally negative thing that completely disregards the idea of the child’s feelings or if it would take a turn and people would discover how to use it positively.
It is such a new idea so we were interest to see if in the future it would become a totally negative thing that completely disregards the idea of the child’s feelings or if in the future people would mainly focus on the positive aspects, for example the money being used to benefit the child.
Most of the time when people consider sharenting they can only see the glamorous side of it, we wanted to highlight of all its aspects to give people a wider opinion on its dangers.
Do you think because of the new term sharenting, it is unlikely to go back to the previous private life of a family? but also in that same respect do you think that this could have a positive impact on children in abusive families as others could pick up on it sooner rather than later?
I think when diving into the world of sharenting it is important to consider the fact that a private life may never be possible again considering the amount of fame it can lead to. it could definitely be a positive for abused children, its important when watching their content to pay attention to how the child acts to catch these issues.
Hopefully it would be positive and children in abusive families would be noticed sooner, These families document a lot of their life and there has been examples of families in this situation.
Just interested: How do you think would you personally feel today, when your parents would have been part of sharenting. Would you mind?
From my personal point of view i would not like it, i feel that having all my personal life disclosed to random people online would make me uncomfortable.
I think it would really all depend on the type of sharenting they were a part of. If it had been vlogging my whole childhood I think I would be very embarrassed as the opinions and behaviours I had are so different to what I believe is correct today but if that had been plastered all over the internet, people may believe those and what I still value as the internet doesn’t leave much room for personal growth and maturity.
Would you consider sharenting to be a form of child abuse?
I think it depends on how it is done, if it is completely innocent and the parents are not causing any harm i would say its most likely not abuse, however if it is just for money and the child is being exploited i would say it is a form of abuse.
I believe it can be in some cases when taken too far
This isn`t a term I have heard of before but it is a really interesting way of describing what these parents are doing. Do you think this is something new that has emerged with the rise of the internet ? or could this term be used to describe parenting styles before then ?