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Though the documentation of children is not a novel practice, as the years have passed, a new mutation has emerged – which goes by the term of “Sharenting.” A word that has fused together the ideas of sharing the experiences of parenthood, though the concept itself encapsulates much more than that loose summarisation. For decades, eager new parents have excitedly captured the gurgling inception of their babies first moments, wether it be a shaky birds eye view of a bassinet, with chubby legs kicking skyward and a fist stuffed in a drooling mouth or a toddlers first galumph across green grass into the arms of beaming family members – photographing and recording children has been an integral part of capturing the beauty and innocence of childhood – moments in which it would be impossible to relive. However with the introduction of social media and streaming services in the 21st century, this has turned the the once private tradition of documenting one’s own offspring into something that many families can now capitalise upon. In the following report the exploration of Sharenting, along with it’s issues, benefits, and uncharted territories will be discussed, and why it will shape the future the children shall inherit.