On 1 January 2021, Wellcome Trust will require that all funded authors retain the necessary intellectual property rights to comply with their new Open Access Policy. This can be accomplished through one of the following three publication routes: Publish in a fully open access journal or platform under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence….Continue Reading Wellcome Trust 2021 OA Policy – Retention of IP Rights
2021 Researchfish submission

What is Researchfish? Researchfish is an online facility used by research funders and research organisations, including UKRI and Wellcome Trust, to track the outcomes from their investments. PIs who have received funding are asked to log the outputs, outcomes and impacts of their work in the system. Find out more from UKRI on reporting your…Continue Reading 2021 Researchfish submission
Two more funders join cOAlition S
Two more organisations have joined cOAlition S, the consortium of leading research organisations committed to full and immediate open access to publications. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is the largest private biomedical research institution in the United States, and their new Open Access policy takes effect from 1st January 2022. The Templeton World Charity Foundation…Continue Reading Two more funders join cOAlition S
Wellcome Trust Open Access Policy 2021
Wellcome Trust will implement a new Open Access policy on 1 January 2021. The policy will apply to all original, peer reviewed research articles that acknowledge Wellcome Trust funding and are submitted for publication from 1 January 2021. Publication Costs Wellcome Trust will continue to support article processing charges (APCs) for open access journals…Continue Reading Wellcome Trust Open Access Policy 2021
Resource Lists
Support for Resource Lists The LLC are keen to support everyone currently preparing, sharing, or linking Resource Lists for the coming academic year. This is intended to signpost the help available and provide information for common tasks. Reading Lists have been renamed as Resources Lists to better reflect the diverse and online content on lists…Continue Reading Resource Lists
An ORCID sets you apart from the crowd

An ORCID is a unique, digital identifier that connects you, your research, and your affiliations. Having one makes you easily identifiable as the author/creator of a research output, meaning you get the appropriate credit for it. Your ORCID comes with an online profile that can be linked to systems like Discovery (the University of Dundee’s research…Continue Reading An ORCID sets you apart from the crowd
Increase your online visibility with a Discovery Profile
Pure and Discovery Pure is the software that underpins Discovery, the University’s public facing institutional repository, and the portal through which a global audience can view the results of the University’s activities and research. It also provides a personalised platform for staff and research students to build a profile to showcase their work. Who has…Continue Reading Increase your online visibility with a Discovery Profile
Additional online content from JSTOR

Library search provides access to a vast range of online resources, and during the COVID-19 period, some of our publishers and online suppliers have provided additional content, to help students who are currently unable to visit the Library buildings. One of these suppliers is JSTOR, an organization established in 1995 to digitise the older…Continue Reading Additional online content from JSTOR
Highlighting COVID-19 related research at the University of Dundee

A new feature has been implemented on the Discovery Research Portal, which highlights research related to the current COVID-19 pandemic. A clickable banner has been added, which provides access to COVID-19 related research and expertise from within the University, including profiles of researchers, details of research outputs, activities, and funded projects….Continue Reading Highlighting COVID-19 related research at the University of Dundee
LLC&CI Scholarly Resources for 20/21

The Library & Learning Centre and Culture & Information are working to increase the provision of online resources for blended module delivery and to create new routes to physical resources in the run up to 20/21. This is a complex mix including system updates, national procurement frameworks, reviews of existing provision, return to campus processes,…Continue Reading LLC&CI Scholarly Resources for 20/21