A few resources to get you started…. 1. The Library homepage – www.dundee.ac.uk/library 2. People 3. Guides 4. Library Search 5. The Library App 6. Your online reading/resource list (for taught modules) 7. Referencing 8. Linkedinlearning…Continue Reading Getting Started Resources: Resources for new students (undergraduate or postgraduate)
Resource lists & ordering – we’re back

Just in time to say Happy New Year ! We’re back & ordering has restarted. We order as much material as possible as ebooks, but some subject areas may still have more print than online material. Resource lists in draft are due to be published this week, before the start of Semester on the 17th…Continue Reading Resource lists & ordering – we’re back
Happy New Year from LLC Research Services!

Happy New Year! LLC Research Services would like to wish all our colleagues at the University a very Happy New Year. We hope you enjoyed a restful, festive holiday and are now looking forward to the new year ahead. Last year presented challenges to everyone but our team was determined to improve our existing services…Continue Reading Happy New Year from LLC Research Services!