Month: February 2022

Levelling up access to data: University of Dundee one of first in Scotland to get a SafePod

Two people looking at the facilities inside a SafePod

University of Dundee SafePod now open On Friday 25th February, the Dundee SafePod situated within the Main Library was opened by Professor John Rowan, Vice-Principal for Research, Knowledge Exchange & Wider Impact.  The event attendees included researchers, professional services supporting research and external partners including the Manager and the Director of the SafePod Network and…Continue Reading Levelling up access to data: University of Dundee one of first in Scotland to get a SafePod

Elsevier and the University of Dundee

The University of Dundee’s current subscription to Elsevier journals is our largest, both in terms of volume and cost. We currently subscribe to 1865 journals, representing almost 20% of our expenditure on scholarly materials. As well as being widely read, researchers at Dundee publish extensively in Elsevier journals. Our current subscription agreement with Elsevier officially…Continue Reading Elsevier and the University of Dundee

Title not in stock? Try  is a service for students (undergraduate,  taught & research postgraduate)  that encourages you to ask us to purchase books relevant to your studies which aren’t in stock (as ebooks or print)  in the Library.  Email us from your email address,  with the full details of the tile required.  Titles will be bought as…Continue Reading Title not in stock? Try