Kanopy is our latest streaming film resource, (acquired in 2022) and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, with a University of Dundee log in.
It’s searchable, browsable by category (British /World cinema/ LGBTQ / Race ethnicity & Identity/ Gender/ Human rights/Art & Architecture and more) and includes documentaries as well as film. Material is being used for Film courses – ‘Chimes at midnight’ (1966), ‘La jetee’ (1966), ‘L’Avventura’ (1960) , ‘Othello’ (1965) ; ‘Sans Soleil’ (1983) are recommended viewing on resource lists. (There a plenty of later films available….)
Law have added a couple of documentaries dealing with reproductive rights, to resource lists – Personhood ( 2019), Abortion, corruption and cops (2005) to one of their resource lists, and History are using a documentary ‘My Rembrandt’ (2019). Philosophy have chosen ‘Hannah Gadsby’s Nakedy nudes (2017) for one of their resource lists, while Business have added a video on ‘Recruitment and selection’ . Why not take a look & see what’s available?
For more information, see https://www.dundee.ac.uk/library/resources/featured/kanopy/
Kanopy is listed on the A-Z of e-resources https://libguides.dundee.ac.uk/az.php?a=k&p=1