In early 2020, on the eve of the global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, two colleagues (Dr. Anna Robb and Dr. Richard Holme, Division of Education and Society) – who lead the highly successful Master of Education (MEd) programme – discussed the prospect of establishing a new open-access journal that would publish and share the best…Continue Reading It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new University of Dundee, Open Access, student journal in this guest blog from Dr Anna Robb and Dr Richard Holme
Elsevier and the University of Dundee: agreement reached
After extensive negotiations between the UK Universities and Elsevier, facilitated by JISC, a three year (2022-24) open access transitional agreement has been achieved which will maintain read access and allows for unlimited publishing in core hybrid Science Direct, Cell Press and Lancet titles. Elsevier is the largest academic publisher, and is the one with whom…Continue Reading Elsevier and the University of Dundee: agreement reached
Elsevier and the University of Dundee
The University of Dundee’s current subscription to Elsevier journals is our largest, both in terms of volume and cost. We currently subscribe to 1865 journals, representing almost 20% of our expenditure on scholarly materials. As well as being widely read, researchers at Dundee publish extensively in Elsevier journals. Our current subscription agreement with Elsevier officially…Continue Reading Elsevier and the University of Dundee
Getting Started Resources: Resources for new students (undergraduate or postgraduate)
A few resources to get you started…. 1. The Library homepage – 2. People 3. Guides 4. Library Search 5. The Library App 6. Your online reading/resource list (for taught modules) 7. Referencing 8. Linkedinlearning…Continue Reading Getting Started Resources: Resources for new students (undergraduate or postgraduate)
It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new UoD Open Access journal in this guest blog from Professor Divya Jindal-Snape

Launch of the open access International Journal of Educational and Life Transitions (IJELT) Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) research centre is an international, interdisciplinary centre. TCELT’s vision is to have an impact on international research, policy and practice in the context of educational and life transitions, and their implications for well-being through an…Continue Reading It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new UoD Open Access journal in this guest blog from Professor Divya Jindal-Snape
Resource Lists
Support for Resource Lists The LLC are keen to support everyone currently preparing, sharing, or linking Resource Lists for the coming academic year. This is intended to signpost the help available and provide information for common tasks. Reading Lists have been renamed as Resources Lists to better reflect the diverse and online content on lists…Continue Reading Resource Lists
Additional online content from JSTOR

Library search provides access to a vast range of online resources, and during the COVID-19 period, some of our publishers and online suppliers have provided additional content, to help students who are currently unable to visit the Library buildings. One of these suppliers is JSTOR, an organization established in 1995 to digitise the older…Continue Reading Additional online content from JSTOR
LLC&CI Scholarly Resources for 20/21

The Library & Learning Centre and Culture & Information are working to increase the provision of online resources for blended module delivery and to create new routes to physical resources in the run up to 20/21. This is a complex mix including system updates, national procurement frameworks, reviews of existing provision, return to campus processes,…Continue Reading LLC&CI Scholarly Resources for 20/21
Introduction to Research & Resources

The Library & Learning Centre and Culture & Information directorate supports learning, teaching, and research activities across the University of Dundee’s ten Schools and all their diverse disciplines. Within our LLC&CI directorate, the Research and Resources Division contributes by managing a complex array of licenses, software, services, physical and electronic resources. This work is reliant…Continue Reading Introduction to Research & Resources