Box of broadcasts (BoB) allows you to set up playlists – which can be public or private. Public playlists can be found by searching BoB, there’s also a selection of playlists created by academics on various topics, accompanied by a description or short video overview of the content on the ‘BoB curated playlists‘ page on…Continue Reading BoB playlists – using TV, Films & Radio for teaching & research
💖 We love data – Happy Anniversary Safepod 💖 #LoveDataWeek 💖
It is hard to believe it is already one year since the University of Dundee SafePod opened for use. Located on the top floor of the Main Library, the SafePod is a small standardised safe setting that provides the physical security and controls for a researcher to access sensitive datasets. Approved researchers with a project…Continue Reading 💖 We love data – Happy Anniversary Safepod 💖 #LoveDataWeek 💖
Activities: There’s so much that you can record in Discovery and more than one way to do it!
Over the past few years our team has noticed additional focus and attention on the need to record research-related activities and have responded by adapting and improving our services to accommodate the changing needs of our academic community. The driving forces behind these changes are threefold; Responsible Research Assessment As a signatory of DORA, and…Continue Reading Activities: There’s so much that you can record in Discovery and more than one way to do it!
It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new University of Dundee, Open Access, student journal in this guest blog from Dr Anna Robb and Dr Richard Holme
In early 2020, on the eve of the global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, two colleagues (Dr. Anna Robb and Dr. Richard Holme, Division of Education and Society) – who lead the highly successful Master of Education (MEd) programme – discussed the prospect of establishing a new open-access journal that would publish and share the best…Continue Reading It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new University of Dundee, Open Access, student journal in this guest blog from Dr Anna Robb and Dr Richard Holme
DORA: The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and the Responsible Use of Metrics
The University of Dundee has signed and expressed its commitment to DORA, a set of principles designed to ensure that research assessment is undertaken in a responsible, fair and transparent manner. Read the University of Dundee statement here. What do you need to know about DORA? The vision of DORA is to “advance practical and…Continue Reading DORA: The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and the Responsible Use of Metrics
Optimise your Researchfish submission
Make the most of the Researchfish submission with tips and advice provided to us by the team at Researchfish. Tips to optimise your Researchfish submission Consider the following when working on your Researchfish submission: Connect your Researchfish account to your ORCID account to enable data to be harvested from ORCID ready to attribute in Researchfish…Continue Reading Optimise your Researchfish submission
Levelling up access to data: University of Dundee one of first in Scotland to get a SafePod

University of Dundee SafePod now open On Friday 25th February, the Dundee SafePod situated within the Main Library was opened by Professor John Rowan, Vice-Principal for Research, Knowledge Exchange & Wider Impact. The event attendees included researchers, professional services supporting research and external partners including the Manager and the Director of the SafePod Network and…Continue Reading Levelling up access to data: University of Dundee one of first in Scotland to get a SafePod
SafePod arrives in Main Library

At the beginning of the year we announced the exciting news that the University of Dundee had been successful in securing a SafePod. At the end of November the SafePod arrived and was installed on the top floor of the Main Library. Preparation Earlier in the year a location on the top floor of Main…Continue Reading SafePod arrives in Main Library
It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new UoD Open Access journal in this guest blog from Professor Divya Jindal-Snape

Launch of the open access International Journal of Educational and Life Transitions (IJELT) Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) research centre is an international, interdisciplinary centre. TCELT’s vision is to have an impact on international research, policy and practice in the context of educational and life transitions, and their implications for well-being through an…Continue Reading It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new UoD Open Access journal in this guest blog from Professor Divya Jindal-Snape
UKRI Open Access Policy 2021
On 6th August UKRI released its much-anticipated Open Access Policy. Applicable to research publications that acknowledge funding from any of the UKRI councils, the policy aims to ensure that publicly funded research is freely accessible and licensed in such a way that it can be re-used and built upon. LLC Research Services are engaging with similarly placed teams across…Continue Reading UKRI Open Access Policy 2021