A few resources to get you started…. 1. The Library homepage – www.dundee.ac.uk/library 2. People 3. Guides 4. Library Search 5. The Library App 6. Your online reading/resource list (for taught modules) 7. Referencing 8. Linkedinlearning…Continue Reading Getting Started Resources: Resources for new students (undergraduate or postgraduate)
Black History Month II – Diversity Initiative reading list & Displays in Main Library

Diversity Initiative – Black History Month resource list Two student societies – The Diversity Initiative (TheDiversityInitiative@dundee.ac.uk) and Afromedics (AfroMedics@dundee.ac.uk) – have used our resource/reading list software (which powers module resource/reading lists) to compile an annotated reading & viewing list called Diversity Initiative- Black History Month containing ‘a collection of fiction and factual texts and some…Continue Reading Black History Month II – Diversity Initiative reading list & Displays in Main Library