Horner's Design

Magazine Article

In this assignment, I was tasked of re-designing a magazine page and it’s Ipad Equivalent. We were presented 5 different articles to choose from, and I decided to choose the fifth one as it appealed to me more as it spoke about video games and the design behind them.

The brief specified that both the magazine spread and the Ipad page design would have to include these following requirements:

  • Include a least an image
  • The title
  • a Pull Quote
  • Image Caption
  • Image Credits
  • The author
  • And the first 200 to 400 words of the article

This is the article that I chose to re-create: https://www.iconeye.com/design/features/item/13161-are-videogames-the-final-frontier-of-design

Research and initial sketches

Initially, I read every article despite having my eyes on the video game one in case any of the other would appeal to me more. This was not the case and thus I began researching using an image board different magazine articles which were both related and non-related to video games. I also looked at the games talked about in the article as well as their respective colour scheme. I then looked at mountain scenery as well as dessert scenery as one of the prominent quotes of the article speaks about that. I then took the image board and began sketching different sketches which were inspired by that.

I made multiple initial sketches which were done in pencil with no colour as I would add the colour to the one which I would decide to do. After having done the sketches, I took one which I thought would look nice but be challenging as well.

After making the sketches, I realised I had forgotten to research different potential fonts that I could have used.I did a quick research of fonts and tested them on the computer to see how they would look.


After having chosen the poster, I began making it on the computer using both InDesign and Photoshop.

I started by trying to find the image of the traveller which could be the dominant image of the poster, at that point I had no idea which image to use. I found an image which could be used without any copyright infringement and proceeded to use it. The problem with the image is that the traveller was small compared to the size of the image and I had to scale him up, I tried doing it just by enlarging the image but the quality of the traveller was too low so I proceeded to take the image of the traveller and to transform it into a vector image. I then placed the vector image in Adobe Illustrator, enlarged it then exported it as a PNG image on photoshop. I removed some of the flaws that the vectorification had created and then placed it unto the InDesign page.

After the central point of the poster was placed, I started to place the text and title just in Black and White and using only Arial as a font just to visualise toughly how it would look. I then made every piece of text using the same typeface but each using a different font.

The title uses Montserrat Black, the quotes use Montserrat Semi-Bold whilst the main body of text uses Montserrat Regular.

Using the same image as the traveller used, I used the other part of the image as the backgrounds. this image represents the mountain which is talked about in the quote.

For the Ipad Design, I took the same background and used the same typeface for the text, I just scaled the text to fit in and Ipad Page. If the page was programmed properly when tapping on the arrow at the bottom of the screen the page would just change to the next one which would use the same background and just continue the rest of the article. The caption of the background and the credits would be situated at the end of the article which is why it is not on the design. I made the downwards arrow by using the letter V from the Montserrat Regular font and stretched it sideways to create the crisp Downward arrow.

What would I have done better

In my opinion the only major thing which should have been done better is to keep documentation of my image by taking images of the progress, my problem was that I lost the initial file and only had a print of it left which meant that I had to re-create the entire poster on the last day.

I also wished that I had done more sketches and experiment with more design for the Ipad version of the page. Overall I think the project went well .

These are the PDf of both the Ipad Design and the Mazine one.

Magazine Spreadout

IPad Design


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