Nathan McWilliams

Follow my attempts to be a Product designer.

Tizio Lamp Re-Imagination

For our first Project we were set the task as group to create a model of The Tizio lamp from modelling materials. This was in order to gain an understanding of the lamp, and modelling materials in order to take this on to the next stage of the lamp.

Making the Tizio Model

Making the base structure from Cardboard

To approach the first stage of the Project we tried to copy the construction of the Tizio lamp as close as possible by using mainly cardboard.

We constructed the base and arms of the lamp with Cardboard, we then used foam board for weights at the end to try and balance of the model to create the cantilever effect. However this didn’t work. We then had to employ the used of pebbles to add weight to the model. This then got us to a position where the design could balance as long as it was moved carefully, this did not emulate the movement of the Original Lamp.

In reflection we should have taken more time to plan out the model, worked out the best points to put the cantilever, weights and put more consideration into material choice. However making this model did help me gain appreciation for the Lamps design, the considerations, planning and calculations that would have went into creating the lamp.


The Re-Design 

For this part of the Project I wanted to explore that shapes and hidden design elements of lamp as I feel that these are over shadowed by the cantilever design. But I also wanted to design something that took inspiration from the cantilever design and put it into a purposeful product.

My first page of Random Idea Generation.

I started off by drawing out some basic 3D shapes inspired from the hidden details I had seen on the Tizio lamp. I then began a very basic development of some of the ideas I came up with, but came to a dead end with them.

I then Focused on the rear end of the lamp and looked at one of the back weights, and in a moment of what felt like divine inspiration an Idea came to my head – A spice rack.

I done a sketch of the idea then went on my way to creating the model. I took sizes from various Spice jars in the kitchen of my flat, I then worked out and average size to accommodate all spices. A 1:3 scale was then established for me to work to.

Please Check the Next post to see the final Idea.




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