Nathan McWilliams

Follow my attempts to be a Product designer.

The Nature Disconnect – Final Project: Week 1

When I first read the brief, I took it as a opportunity to further develop my idea of what ‘The Nature Disconnect’ means. Use this opportunity to expand on what I feel are important issues concerning the environment. I wanted to build upon what I had done on the previous 3 week project but not necessarily the physical product but on my personal theme of ‘What is Nature?’

I started off by continuing my exploration into ‘What is Nature?’ I decided to look at from a different side that wasn’t in direct reference to the product from the last project. For this I wrote a short description of what I felt it meant personally to me;

“Feel Like the term Nature creates a hard divide between man kinds interactions with the earth, especially in western culture. I feel like using the term allows people to dissociate from the from the other parts or the world and creates a barrier between their lives and what people normally class as nature. I believe that no matter how modern or manufactured our lives are we still exist in nature. Everything we do impacts on the planet for better or worse – usually worse.

For many people they feel Nature only exists through their screen is a far distant land away yet the very device they are looking at this ‘influencers’ pictures on has most likely had a negative impact on nature. Want to raise awareness and question what people consider is nature.”

Used this to begin to create a mind map of what I feel is part of the problem. I divided it up into; Pollution, Man Made vs Nature, Experiences of Nature and Lack of Awareness. I then wrote down some quick notes and used this to guide my research. I looked into the pollution, its causes and its effect. It was this with my research into Man Made vs Nature that started to inspire my design. I looked at the artificial products and how they behave against more natural lifespans. It was from this I came up with the idea of exploring Decay vs Nature and how to use that to increase awareness and accountability of Nature.

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