Poster Printing
I started my poster design process by playing around with some of my existing letters to create some very effective shapes and patterns. A few of the letters in particular were very striking from a design point of view, especially the O, A, J and S. The above bird like pattern consists entirely of Os but further patterns are made up of the other letters specified. I really like this pattern and could include it in my posters.
This was the next load of patterns I developed which incorporate the S and A as well as the O. Nothing on here is anything specific but rather random patterns which looks inspiring. The red and black contrast works really effectively and matched the style the letters already create.
More development but this time it started to look like something, that something being a flower of some very strange nature.
This is made up using the J and O to create wings/branches on a tree. I really like this design due to its simplicity and overall aesthetic. The small symbol in the bottom right made from an S inside an O is also very capturing and could be a logo or something.
This is one of the last experiments I did with these letters and I was further working along the lines of birds and feathers etc although there is endless shapes variations you could create using these letters. The bird reminds me of something out of ancient Egypt with a head that resembles a pyramid. I think it’s time I start to find a theme to base my posters on.
Poster Theme
I recently watched Avatar and there’s no better way feel ashamed to be human with all our corruption and greed. The acts committed in that film against the native alien population, the Navi, are absolutely horrific and people cry when they watch it. However we as humans are capable of doing that, in fact we have done almost the exact same thing to each other on countless occasions throughout history, what happened to the native American Indians is a perfect example and some would argue that Avatar is just a sci-fi version of what happened to the Red Indians. There is a deep routed evil inside all of us and things like money, hate, greed etc can turn even the kindest of people into monsters who would slaughter millions for personal gain. We see it everyday in our streets, on TV and in the way we treat each other and there’s no running from it because it’s in each of us. I’m not saying everyone is a piece of shit because thankfully that isn’t the case and there is a huge amount of love and kindness in the world which is equally visible if you look for it however that doesn’t negate the evil that many have done in this world for themselves. Therefore I want to base these posters on the evil and corruption of mankind. I don’t know if I’ll be able to use the patters I’ve designed above because they are all rather irrelevant to this topic but I can design similar patterns using those letters which will fit this subject more appropriately.
I needed a symbol which would immediately link to the human race and there’s no better way of doing that than with a human finger print, a distinct and infamous image which everyone can relate to. The red colouring is to represent the bloodshed than humans have caused both to ourselves, animals and our environment. I then added a black overlay to represent the evil and darkness in a lot of people personalities. It’s very simplistic but it kind of has to be for the print otherwise the stencil will be too delicate.
Here is some of the process of me developing some posters along the lines of human corruption. All of these posters are printed on magazine pages about animal extinction and human destruction. The one above is on an article about the dwindling numbers of pandas in the wild and how scientists are breeding them in captivity. Below the statements “The Human Condition” and ” We’re an STFD” are written both are referring to the corruption of the human race are a disease. I’m not going to explain what STFD stands for because it’s somewhat inappropriate.
Some more versions of the fingerprint symbol. I really like the phrase “danger, humans” because it’s turning our own methods against us. We would use this saying and sign on the right to warn people of dangerous animals or areas but I’ve reversed it. You can imagine a tiger warning sign with a big slash out of it and so I’ve used the same principle with the fingerprint. This whole aesthetic is very effective and I’d like to go forward with this “danger humans” slogan and the fingerprint.
Three more variations of the “danger humans” slogan with the fingerprint. Although they are all very similar, there are slight differences in the arrangement, colours and details of each one. Overall I prefer the one in the middle because the form of the fingerprint is very sculptural in the way it curves round the edges also the colour is a darker shade of red which more closely resembles blood.
I ended up doing two sets of additions because I couldn’t decide on which one to finalize on. You can see in the image on the left that they aren’t all the same because 4 of them lack the red splatters but I have since added these but don’t posses a photo, I will add when I get one. I also realized that the last on of that set is missing an ‘r’ in danger and this will also need correcting. Overall I am very happy with these and really like their whole aesthetic. I think they pose quite a strong message and its something you can imagine out of a post-apocalyptic world. However they could be better for example the stark white background doesn’t really fit the style. The contrast although striking, isn’t really what I was going for. Even a slightly off white colour would be more appropriate. Also some of the letters aren’t very clear like the G which could be mistaken for a C if not examined properly which would rather ruin the whole message I’m attempting to deliver. The fingerprint on the right is also very bland and standard, it doesn’t have any artistic or sculptural qualities to it like the one on the left does. This is partially why I couldn’t decide between the two of them, it rather lets the whole poster down.
great post, I like the double finger print poster edition. The moire effect is great with the overlapped finger prints. unfortunately the image inst linked to the correct one so when you click on it you get a bigger version of the other edition. easy to fix though.