This blog presents the voice of children from around the world about COVID-19 and its impact on them through poetry and drawings. They created these powerful and moving pieces in a locked-down world. This is a testimony to the power of learning regardless of where it happens. Their poetry and drawings provide a unique insight into their non-normative transitions that we, the adults, have not experienced.
Alexia, 11 years, Romania (Catherine Koini’s project)Tudor, 6 years, Romania (Catherine Koini’s project)Aditya, 9 years, India Julianna Hudák, Kiskunfélegyháza,, 11 years, Hungary (Hands of the World)Evelina, grade 2, Ukraine (Hands of the World project)Sara, Croatia (Hands of the World project)Beth, Year 8, England (Hands of the World project)Andrian, Grade 4, Ukraine (Hands of the World project)Eva, Grade 3, Ukraine (Hands of the World project) Anna, Grade 4, Ukraine (Hands of the World project) Daphne Middleton, Grade 2, USA (Hands of the World project) Nazar, Grade 4, Ukraine (Hands of the World project)Jeanne d’Arc” school, Primary 6, USA (Hands of the World project)Josh, Wales (Hands of the World project)Markiian, Grade 3, Ukraine (Hands of the World project) Bohdan, Grade 3, Ukraine (Hands of the World project) Diana, Grade 3, Ukraine (Hands of the World project)Maksym, Grade 2, Ukraine (Hands of the World project)Dmytro, Grade 2, Ukraine (Hands of the World project)Andrian, Grade 4, Ukraine (Hands of the World project)Roman, Grade 4, Ukraine (Hands of the World project) Romain, France (Hands of the World project)Athina Paroussi, Kindergarten of Mavrothalassa, Greece (Hands of the World project)
Aran, Grade 7, Spain (Hands of the World project)Niranjan Abesuriya, 14 years, Scotland Niranjan Abesuriya, 14 years, Scotland Niranjan Abesuriya, 14 years, Scotland Vishaka Abesuriya, 11 years, Scotland Chantelle, Wales (Hands of the World project)
Image in the header copyright: Divya Jindal-Snape
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