
The Centre for Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) is an inter-disciplinary and cross-University of Dundee research centre. The Centre is overseen by a Board of Directors with representatives from across the university and the Chair of the Board is Professor Divya Jindal-Snape. TCELT has set up an International Network of Transitions Researchers.

The vision of the TCELT Research
Centre and its International Network of Transitions Researchers is to have an impact on international research, policy and practice in the context of educational and life transitions, and their implications for wellbeing through an international network of researchers, professionals and communities.

The COVID Blogs were written by TCELT’s International Network of Transitions Researchers, including practitioners and policy makers as well as those who were experiencing these transitions. The aim was to provide rapid research-based information about the impact of COVID on educational and life transitions, and to suggest strategies to enhance transition experiences.

List of network members is available here https://www.dundee.ac.uk/tcelt/transitionsresearchers/