Project Group 1: The RISE & FALL of the “Alpha Species” Antibiotic resistant Bacteria


Antibiotic Resistant Poster

In the wake of the ever increasing threat of antibiotic resistant bacteria, What can we do? are we just doomed? is it already too late?
well short answer is no, but we need to start soon as possible the bacteria isn’t going to wait for us to catch up and come out with more ways to stop them. in our Project we explore where we’ve come from, in a time before antibiotics and how bad it really was, we show the massive improvements to our lives by the use of antibiotics, the major ways it has enabled us to progress in a wide range of fields not just medicine. on the other side we show how bad it is and how bad it is likely to become if left to grow and continue to evolve unchecked. However there is a light at the end of the tunnel as the future still holds hope thanks to ever innovating research, a much more informed populace on the massive dangers involved in the misuse of antibiotics and what we can do to stem the tide as well as new developing countermeasures being put into place.

Click here for presentation

  1. As a group do yous feel like yous have a lot of knowledge about antibiotics and the way they work prior to this presentation? Like do you feel you realise now how more important they are for us

    • Hi Deni, I think we understood that antibiotics were important, however the extent to which our healthcare relies on their effectiveness was somewhat startling. Often it feels like we are so advanced in so many ways in comparison to our predecessors that we don’t realise our advancement’s foundations are sometimes built on shifting sands

  2. your presentation is really well done. given the large number of people who refuse the coronavirus vaccine, do you think it is possible to introduce bacteriophages? if so, how would that be done?

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