The new UKRI policy on Open Access comes into effect on 1st April 2022. Detailed information is available on our UKRI Open Access Policy webpage, but the following scenarios maybe of help in highlighting some practical effects of the policy, and on publishing Open Access in general. The key changes contained in the new policy…Continue Reading The new UKRI Open Access Policy and more: guidance and scenarios on publishing your research as Open Access
Elsevier and the University of Dundee: agreement reached
After extensive negotiations between the UK Universities and Elsevier, facilitated by JISC, a three year (2022-24) open access transitional agreement has been achieved which will maintain read access and allows for unlimited publishing in core hybrid Science Direct, Cell Press and Lancet titles. Elsevier is the largest academic publisher, and is the one with whom…Continue Reading Elsevier and the University of Dundee: agreement reached
Scottish Universities Open Access Press

About the author: Dominique Walker is the Publishing Officer for the Scottish Universities Open Access Press (SUOAP). Her role is hosted by the Library and Learning Centre LLC at the University of Dundee. Dominique’s role is a two year secondment to help with the initial launch of SUOAP. She will assist the Management and Editorial…Continue Reading Scottish Universities Open Access Press
Optimise your Researchfish submission
Make the most of the Researchfish submission with tips and advice provided to us by the team at Researchfish. Tips to optimise your Researchfish submission Consider the following when working on your Researchfish submission: Connect your Researchfish account to your ORCID account to enable data to be harvested from ORCID ready to attribute in Researchfish…Continue Reading Optimise your Researchfish submission
H-Index: what it is, and displaying it on your Discovery profile (or not)

The h-index is an author-level metric which is designed to measure both productivity and the citation impact of any publications produced. It is calculated by counting the number of publications produced, and the number of times those papers have been cited. For example, if an author has published 20 papers in total, and 10 of…Continue Reading H-Index: what it is, and displaying it on your Discovery profile (or not)