UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) and its constituent research councils have operated an Open Access policy for journal articles and conference proceedings for several years, but will extend the policy to include monographs, book chapters and edited collections published from 1st January 2024. There will be 2 ways for Dundee authors to meet UKRI’s open access…Continue Reading Funded by UKRI? Planning to publish a book? Here’s what you need to know.
Main Library Top floor refurbishment

The Main Library Top floor refurbishment is due to start at the end of May, ( see reminder from UEG in 3 – Monday 10 April , and other communications from the LLC to Schools ). Plans were devised after consultation with University staff & students on the type of space & facilities that would…Continue Reading Main Library Top floor refurbishment
Supporting the Inclusive Curriculum
As reported in the Staff Newsletter of 26/1/2022, the LLC has set aside £5,000 which can be used to purchase books/resources to support the Inclusive Curriculum, equality & diversity as it relates to modules in your discipline – as well as the usual method of adding titles to your online module reading list. The fund…Continue Reading Supporting the Inclusive Curriculum
Title not in stock? Try is a service for students (undergraduate, taught & research postgraduate) that encourages you to ask us to purchase books relevant to your studies which aren’t in stock (as ebooks or print) in the Library. Email us from your email address, with the full details of the tile required. Titles will be bought as…Continue Reading Title not in stock? Try