
How do boundaries help or hinder me?

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Podcast 12 – Engagement Statement 6: How do boundaries help or hinder me?

In academia, opportunities to pursue work that interests you can overlap strongly with the requirements of your day-to-day work. Does the blurring of boundaries help or hinder your resilience? • Having boundaries set by others can create a helpful obligation for delivery of work • Having flexible boundaries can sometimes lead to too much procrastination • Creating accountability between the work you want to do, the work you have to do and the work you are able to do can help define what you do every day • Being able to work on something that deeply interests you can really help your resilience. Building your resilience may require more structure imposed by others to help you get things done or you may need more flexibility to help you explore your subject further or take new opportunities that may develop things for the future.

What is your approach to boundaries? Do they help you to manage your resilience or do they constrain your ability to manage yourself and your resilience?