
Knowing myself and knowing how I work and fit best with other people

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Podcast 30 – Self-Confidence Statement 6: Knowing myself

This is the final page. Hopefully by now you’ve done some thinking, looked at a few of the links and the read around the most pertinent topics for you and your resilience. • Which topics hit the mark as far as your own resilience management is concerned? • What do you need to work (even) harder on to develop and maintain your resilience? • Who or what can help you to be more resilient? From the perspective of the authors we know that we have a handful of daily control and confidence priorities that help us manage our day-to-day resilience. Additionally, for more complex or situational priorities we need to mentally prepare in advance to generate the right mindset of challenge and commitment to be resilient. Being more self-aware doesn’t make us perfect at any of this (far from it, in fact!). It does, however, make us feel more able to more effectively manage our own resilience. We are all a work in progress.

What are you going to do next and keep doing to help you be more resilient on a day-to-day basis?