

Physics graduates have a strong mix of scientific, computational, technical and transferable skills particularly the analytical ones which are all highly valued by employers from a wide range of sectors.

There are many Physics-related career options to choose from and if pursuing a scientific career doesn’t appeal, there are many other rewarding careers giving you the opportunity to use your problem solving skills from IT to Law to Finance to name a few.

What skills do you gain with your subject?

As well as your subject specific knowledge, you will also develop a wide range of transferable skills from your Physics degree including:

  • Advanced problem solving skills
  • A high level of mathematical and analytical ability including the ability to model complex systems mathematically
  • Advanced computational and fundamental programming skills including data-processing and data analysis.
  • Experimental lab and technical skills and the ability to effectively use advanced technologies and specialist instruments.
  • Clear and accurate verbal and written communication skills gained through scientific reports and presentations
  • Team working and collaborative skills through project work and working in pairs and small groups.

The Quality Assurance (QAA) 2019 subject Benchmark statement for Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics,

What types of job do graduates do?

Physics graduates can enter a wide range of career areas.  The most popular first career destinations for physics graduates nationally are: IT (21%), business and finance (21%), engineering (8%), education (8%) and Science (6%).  (HECSU – What Do Graduates Do? 2018)

There are a number of useful websites to help you explore the different options available or find out more about the ones which interest you:

  • The Institute of Physics has an excellent career web page with several real life graduate profiles representing several sectors and professions.
  • Physics World has career pages which regularly feature different career areas of Physics and research with interesting articles designed to give you a real insight into various careers and sectors as well as advice.
  • Physics World also produces an annual Careers Guide with informative case studies.
  • Prospects is an informative graduate careers website which is regularly updated. This link provides a list of career options for Physics students and graduates.  A good starting point, but not an exhaustive list.
  • Targetjobs has a similar career profile list.

36.9% of UK Physics graduates pursued further study including PhD’s, specialist taught and research Masters courses as well as postgraduate conversion course such as Teaching, Medicine and Engineering amongst many others.  (HECSU – What Do Graduates Do? 2018)

Useful resources including job search:

Professional Bodies