Virtual Anatomy Projects 2024

Virtual Anatomy

The Virtual Anatomy Projects are a series multidisciplinary, extra-curricular projects which bring together students from across the Schools of Medicine, Science & Engineering, Art and Design, and the Dental School, organised by Dr Caroline Erolin, programme lead for the MSc in Medical Art.    

Each group is given a brief (written by various members of staff) to produce a virtual anatomy mobile application or webpage on various anatomical subjects. This year (2024) subjects included the female pelvis, Parkinsons disease, and the hip joint.  

3D models and technology in Anatomy / Medical Education 

Anatomy is an inherently three-dimensional subject. By pairing medical artists and animators who are trained in 3D modelling together with students in anatomy, medicine and dentistry, computing, and engineering, it is possible to create models that are interactive and embedded within learning resources tailored to specific target audiences.  

Depending on the group members and skill sets available, groups also utilise various technology and equipment to enhance their resource. This can include using 3D surface scanners, micro-CT data, and Augmented reality (AR).  

Virtual Anatomy Projects 2024

Explore the rest of this blog to find out more about the projects for each of the Virtual Anatomy groups.  

Group 1 – The Hip Joint

This group worked on creating a 3D interactive model of the hip joint aimed at medical education in conjunction with the Clinical Skills unit at Ninewells. The anatomy of joints is a particularly important subject covered in teaching with the medical students. This project aimed to create a teaching aid and would add an exciting, innovative, and creative element to the sessions, which would enhance student engagement.

You can view the group’s model so far here:


Project brief by Iuliana Kanya and Neil Harrison

Group members: Sandesh Supparamaniam, Veenaa Logenthiran, Kayee Liu, Beth Mackay, Madhura Sridhar, Annette Shalom Rakshana George Robert, Lauren Lake, Katie Hepburn

Group 2 – Parkinson’s Disease

This group created a webpage about Parkinson’s disease including interactive 3D models, illustrations, and an animation. This resource aims to facilitate better conceptualisation of the disease to enhance appreciation of the changes in the brain and synaptic junction. 

You can view the group’s presentation here:


And view the webpage here: 

Parkinsons Digital Pedagogy

Project brief by Qabirul Abdullah, Dilmini Karunaratne, and Rania Alkhadragy

Group members: Naziyah Hasan, Catriona Drimmie , Nat Sutherland, Aynour Ghazian , Despina Hadjiconstanti, Rachel Holland, Mackenzie Owens

Group 3 – The Female Pelvis

This group created an interactive 3D model of the female pelvis along with illustrations and giff animations. The project aimed to help link the 3D structure of the pelvic floor to its clinical anatomy and provide a resource that can promote the benefits of understanding the underlying anatomy of pelvic floor strength. The resource is aimed at early years medical and anatomical undergraduate students. 

You can view the group’s presentation here:


And view the 3D interactive model here:

Organs of the Female Pelvis

Project brief by Seaneen McDougall 

Group members: Akhila Dondapati, Connie Harrison, Temitope Pupuru, Sarah Kung, Amber Chiu, Annie Olszowka , Cydney Davidson

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