
How do I respond to a deadline?

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Podcast 3 – Self-Knowledge Statement 3: How do I respond to a deadline?

How you manage deadlines may contribute to either building your resilience (by enabling you to get-things-done and feel purposeful) or drain your resilience (by the lack of sleep or stress they can create when one is imminent). Typically, we tend to prefer to either stick to a plan OR be excited by the creativity and productivity that comes with the rush of the last minute. Constantly working against our preference, or in an environment where we feel others prevent us from achieving our preferred deadline management approach, can be a significant resilience drain. This can be a particular issue when it leads to conflict or causes stress. Having some understanding of our own preference and those of others around us can help us to manage ourselves and our environments. If we have language to describe ourselves and what we need we can use this self-knowledge to communicate it to others and potentially restore resilience-draining situations.

How do you respond to a deadline compared to those around you and how does this affect your ability to manage your resilience?