In Your Own Words

When we use other sources in our essay, we’re often told to put the other author’s ideas into “our own words.” But what does this mean? And why is it so important at university? Putting another author’s idea into your own words is called paraphrasing, and it’s a key university skill.

When you cite evidence in an assignment, you have two options – you can quote directly or you can paraphrase. Paraphrasing is a key element of using evidence effectively and ethically. In some disciplines, particularly in the Sciences, direct quotation is used very sparingly and it’s essential that you develop strong paraphrasing skills.  

In other disciplines, quotation may be more acceptable, but that doesn’t mean that you should avoid paraphrasing altogether. Good writing will often combine the two, and using paraphrasing appropriately and effectively will allow your voice to come over more strongly so that when you do use direct quotation will have more impact. 

So, how can you begin to develop this key skill? Have a look at the recording of our ‘In Your Own Words’ Lightning Session then scroll down for our key steps for paraphrasing.  


Step 1: Understand Why

Paraphrasing basically means putting someone else’s argument or idea into your own words. As we mentioned above, it’s an alternative to using direct quotation. But when and why would you use it? 

As we’ve already seen, it may simply be the convention of your discipline to paraphrase evidence rather than to use direct quotation. In such disciplines you really don’t have much option other than to develop your paraphrasing skills. 

In other disciplines there’s more choice. Often, paraphrasing allows you to express or show understanding of an idea or argument more clearly or concisely than the original quote, particularly if that quote is lengthy and you can summarise it effectively. 

One useful way of thinking about whether to quote or paraphrase is to ask yourself why you want to use that evidence. If there’s something important about the way the idea or argument has been expressed, you may wish to quote directly (if your discipline allows). If it’s just the idea itself that you’re drawing upon, paraphrasing may be a more suitable option. 


Step 2: Avoid ‘Word Substitution’ 

One important thing to avoid when paraphrasing is word substitution. As the name suggests, this occurs where you leave the original structure of the sentence intact and simply work your way along substituting words of the same or similar meaning.  

This invariably results in clunky, clumsy prose. More importantly, it’s not good paraphrasing – indeed, it may be considered a form of plagiarism, even though you’ve cited the source. So, move the original text out of sight and instead focus on the idea or argument and try to express or summarise that in your own way.  


Step 3: Practice Techniques

Okay, so you’ve hidden the original and now you want to try to summarise or explain the idea in your own words. One useful tip here is to imagine explaining it out loud to a friend, a fellow student, or your tutor. How would you explain it without having the quote in front of you? 

Remember, we’re focused on the idea here and why you want to use it, so another helpful tip is to think carefully about how the paraphrase will fit into your wider point or argument. What will you go on to say about this evidence? Thinking about that may help you summarise the key points in an effective way. Just be careful not to change the meaning – when paraphrasing we must be careful not to twist the evidence to suit our own arguments.  



For more useful advice, check out our video on paraphrasing (below). And one final point – paraphrasing may sound like a lot of work but with practice and experience it will become second nature and you’ll do it almost without thinking. So stick with it, and before long you’ll have this important skill mastered. 



This blog post was written by Dr Gordon Spark (Academic Skills Centre).


Referencing can be one of the trickiest parts of essay writing. It can be hard to find the various components of a reference, or to understand why they’re even necessary in the first place. Difficulties with finishing up a bibliography are also one of the main reasons students submit essays late!

The good news is, referencing doesn’t have to be painful. If you invest a little time in learning how referencing works, it actually can become one of the most straightforward parts of your assignment.

To find out more about referencing, watch our Lightning Session! In this workshop, we challenge Kayleigh McGarry, one of the Digital Skills librarians, to use to cite all kinds of sources. If you’ve ever struggled with referencing, this session is for you!

[To skip the intros, jump to 1:35]


In a hurry? Here are the main three things you need to know about referencing:


References have Two Parts

The first thing to know about referencing is that it consists of two parts:

  1. The in-text citation (either in parentheses, or a footnote)
  2. The reference in the bibliography (at the end of the essay)

To reference correctly, you must include both these parts. They each look slightly different, but don’t worry. If you use, it will show you what each part looks like.


Use as a Guide

There are all kinds of referencing guides on the internet, many of which are excellent. However, there are also many referencing generators, which are websites that ask you to input the information, and then they create a reference for you. This may sound too good to be true, and, sadly it is. Most of the time, reference generators make mistakes, so if you use one, you must check your references yourself before submitting.

To get it right the first time, we recommend using The University pays for a subscription, so you can sign in with your UoD credentials and get free access to all the information! The site shows you how to cite pretty much anything in all sorts of referencing styles, and it even offers templates you can use to create your own references.

If you’re new to and you’re not sure how to use it, watch the recording above!

Start Early and Be Consistent

The best way to make sure your referencing is correct is to give yourself time. Work on your bibliography as you go along– don’t wait until the end! It’s no fun trying to proofread your bibliography just minutes before the deadline.

The other important tip is to be consistent. Sometimes, it can be hard to keep track of the fiddly little things, like whether or not there should be a full stop after the author’s name. While you should try to get these things right, the most important thing is to be consistent. If you have a full stop in one reference, make sure you have it in them all. Your marker may not notice if a full stop is in the wrong place, but they’ll definitely notice if you’re inconsistent!

Finally, if you’re struggling with referencing, it’s okay to get help! While we can’t “check” your references, our team is happy to help you find the information you need. Feel free to contact us at with any questions you may have!

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined by Oxford University as “presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own.” It’s a serious form of academic misconduct, and major cases of plagiarism (such as copying an essay from the internet, or buying one online) can result in expulsion from the University or from professional bodies.

Most forms of plagiarism aren’t as big or obvious as stealing an entire essay. In fact, students sometimes plagiarise accidentally, simply by not checking the rules! Even “small” instances of plagiarism, however, may well come with penalties, such as failing the assignment or even the module. The good news is that, once you learn a few basic rules, it’s easy to avoid plagiarism and write with academic integrity!

To learn more about avoiding plagiarism, watch our Lightning session, the scroll down to read more.

[To jump straight to the session, head to 1:08]



Essentially, any time you use someone else’s words or ideas, you must cite them. In the recording, you’ll find a variety of scenarios, but let’s look at a few of the main ones here.


1. Using someone else’s words.


If you copy exact words directly from a source, you must put those words in quotation marks and cite them. Sometimes, students copy-and-paste a few sentences from a source and provide a citation, but they don’t put the words in quotation marks. This is plagiarism, and will be flagged up by Turnitin software. Any exact words you take from a source must be put in quotation marks, whether it’s a full sentence, or just a small phrase.


2. Using someone else’s ideas.


If you use someone else’s idea, you must cite them. This is still true even if you don’t use their exact words. Sometimes, we condense someone else’s ideas and put them in our own words instead. This is called Paraphrasing, and it’s a good thing to do in an academic essay! When you paraphrase, you shouldn’t put the sentence in quotation marks, but you do need to cite the source of the idea.


3. Citation and Reference


Citing your sources correctly involves two parts. First, you must include an in-text citation (either in parentheses, or a footnote, depending on your referencing style) right when you mention the source. Then, you must include a full reference in your bibliography at the end of your essay. Both the in-text citation and the reference at the end of the essay are mandatory in most referencing styles.


In the Lightning Session, you’ll find many more scenarios, and a detailed discussion of how to avoid plagiarism. If you want to test your knowledge, you can also try our Plagiarism Quiz for yourself!

Successful Search Strategies

When you’re at university, you have to do research. Whatever you study, chances are you’ll spend some time looking through books at the library– or, more likely, browsing the online catalogue searching for sources.

For some of us, research may be exciting: it’s a time to learn more about a new topic, and dive deeper into a subject we love. For others, research may be incredibly confusing, time-consuming, and difficult.

Wherever you fall on this spectrum: you’re not alone. The truth is that even students who love research sometimes find it challenging to find just the right sources for their upcoming assignment.

In this Lightning Session, our colleague from the Library walks us through two of the most common research struggles:

  • Too Many Sources
  • Too Few Sources

Watch the video for a full explanation (complete with a screen-sharing demonstration), or keep scrolling for our top tips.

[Note: To skip the intro, jump straight to 05:25.]


Challenge 1: Too Few Sources

Sometimes it’s hard to find enough pertinent sources for our essay. Especially when we’re working on really specific topics, it can be difficult to find sources that directly address our topic.

For instance, if your essay question is: “To what extent is Draco Malfoy the archetypal antihero in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child?” then a good first step would be to type the keywords, “Draco Malfoy,” “antihero” and “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” into the library search.

If you did this, however, you wouldn’t come up with a single result. It’s far too specific. Instead, it’s better to use just a few of the keywords, or to modify them slightly. For instance, you could try “Draco Malfoy” and “Harry Potter” or “antihero” and “Harry Potter.”

If you can’t find enough sources, use fewer keywords or make them more general. Then, be open-minded with the sources you find. Maybe an article on “Heroism in Harry Potter” doesn’t look like exactly what you want, but give it a skim-read anyways. There’s a good chance at least part of the article will be relevant to your topic!

Additionally, once you’ve found one relevant article, make sure to look at its footnotes and bibliography. Chances are, at least some of these sources will be relevant to you, and they might not have immediately come up in the search engine.


Challenge 2: Too Many Sources

Perhaps a bigger problem is too many sources. Especially when we’re assigned quite a broad topic (perhaps, “Is Harry Potter a Hero?”) a library search for our basic keywords can literally return millions of results!

The good news is that the Library search sorts results automatically by relevance, so there’s no need to scroll through every source (though it is worth going through at least a few pages, to make sure nothing important has gotten buried).

If you’ve got too many results, you can use the filters on the right side of the library search to cut your results down to only the most relevant. Helpful filters may include:

  • Peer Reviewed journals (only journals that have been properly vetted by other academics)
  • Resource type (books, journals, conference proceedings, etc…)
  • Subject (Humanities, social sciences, etc…)
  • Date (select a date range)

Using filters can cut your results down from thousands to hundreds. They can even reduce your results to nothing at all, so it’s good to be careful! Don’t immediately apply certain filters, and it’s always worth experimenting with different combinations of filters, rather than putting them all on at once.

If you’re still struggling with too many sources, it’s worth trying some of the features in the advanced search function, such as limiting your search to article titles, for instance.


We hope these tips are helpful as you start researching your next assignment! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email us at

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