Effective planning and time-management is really important when studying online. Time-tabling your asynchronous and independent study-time, as well as breaking down your learning into small manageable tasks can help you keep on track.
Everyone has their own planning methods, but here are some examples of useful online tools that can help you along the way:
Outlook Calendar
Outlook Calendar – Use your University email calendar to schedule independent study focus time.
Top Tip
Top tip: you can also use your calendar it to create a To-Do List.
MS Teams
MS Teams Tasks by Planner and To-Do – An app attached to Teams. Find it by searching for ‘tasks’ in Teams.
Top Tip
Top tip: to pin the app to your left-hand rail, with the app open, right-click on the Tasks tab and select ‘Pin’.
Padlet – Use the Timeline or Shelf modes in padlet to keep on track of tasks and important information.
Top Tip
Top tip: Keep your padlet on Private for personal use, or on Secret if you’d like to share with others.
Do you have a preferred tool for planning your study?
Why not share it with your peers or in the comments below.