Well, what a way to kick off the first in a series of our TILE network meetings with our very own founder, Dr Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel. The aim of the TILE network is to bring together people from different disciplines and backgrounds who are all interested in enhancing education. Not only from the comfort of the University of Dundee, but to the far-flung areas of the globe through Live Streaming (TILE Network Kick-Off Live Streaming Video; special thanks to Ed Wood, Centre for Teachnology and Innovationin Learning, for making live streaming possible and allow us to connect with members worldwide who could not join us in person on the day). We even had a network member and future speaker join us from Dubai – thanks to Ross Morrison McGill of TeacherToolkit Ltd for tuning in!
Carolina gave us a little insight into where she has come from and where she sees herself going in terms of the Teaching Innovation and Learning Enhancement (TILE) network. We started off hearing how improving education often comes with a barrage of “we need more” requests. However, maybe we should be thinking in terms of building the capacity and capabilities of what we already have and invest in the people we have doing this. The idea that we are not alone and that we are all in this together, albeit with different areas of interest, brought about the notion of networking people so they can all “make learning better” regardless of discipline, sector, or expertise. This has evolved into more than just a thought about sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas and developing strategies. It has grown into the TILE network that has provided a platform to enable those interested to come together and join in on the conversation about learning & teaching enhancement and innovation. We are rapidly growing with over 80 members already signed up to the network and more joining us daily.

Image from Pixabay
In the last month, we have seen the network grow with our online presence expanding to incorporate our twitter page @TILEnetwork, our website going live (thanks to our TILE student assistant Eva Goetzke), our speaker series filling with exciting, innovative and valued presenters and our blog postings waiting for your comments.

Image from Pixabay
It’s been so exciting watching the network develop and it’s awesome having been part of this. I hope that those of you who joined us on the day loved it as much as I did and for those of you who couldn’t make it have a look at the recording we made. Here’s to the next of in our speaker series with Mark Healy, Deputy Head St. Andrews High School Teacher, Coatbridge. Here is the up-to-date TILE schedule. Make sure to book your place for future talks as soon as possible.
Last, but not least: You can download the slides of the TILE Kick-Off Meeting by Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel. If you have not subscribed for blog updates, you can do so by clicking on “Subscribe” on the bottom right when browsing our website.
Hope to see you at the next meeting.
Let’s keep improving education one tile at a time.
I had a go at making a Wavelet (alternative to Storify, now that Storify has announced the end of service:
[It’s also possible to embed, but suspect you can’t in a comment]
This is great! How is the embed code? I will add it to the post.
At the top of the wakelet there’s an embed code, and I’ve just checked it, you don’t have to be logged in to generate it. Anyone can embed.