Professionalism in Healthcare Infographic

Cultivating Professionalism poster


Project title: Professionalism Poster Design

Project Sponsors: Fiona Muir, Senior Lecturer in Medical Education, and Jordan Napier, Quality Assurance Coordinator

TILT designer: Annie Campbell, Medical Artist

Photographer: Emma Alexander, Media Services

The objective for this project was to produce a large poster that showcases the motto of professionalism in the healthcare field and undergraduate medical programme.

Professionalism is assessed in many ways throughout the undergraduate programme. Both formal (summative) and informal (formative) assessments of professionalism are carried out to ensure all graduates have met the standards outlined by the GMC.

Staff who observe students display particularly good, or perhaps, unsatisfactory professional behaviour can report this to the Medical School by using the Green and Yellow Cards respectively. This system is in place to ensure aspects of professionalism displayed in the clinical setting are adequately reported to the Medical School

More encouragement is needed for staff to utilize the reporting system. The result would provide a tracking method that can help support and/or reward students.

Referring to already created written content on MBChB, a text draft was developed of the content that would be included in the poster. 

Final Product/s

Final poster
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