Referred Otalgia and Cranial Nerves III, X, IX, XII

Screen capture of referred otalgia, glossopharyngeal nerve


Project Reviewers: Dr. Penny Lockwood, Dr. David Stewart, Dr. Patrick Spielmann

Content Expert: Dr Patrick Spielmann

Medical Artist: Annie Campbell

Year: 2016

Referred otalgia, more commonly known as ear pain that originates outside of the ear, can be associated with specific cranial nerves; specifically the facial, glossopharyngeal, mandibular (branch of the trigeminal) and vagus nerve. In this series of animations, the branches that supply specific anatomical structures are highlighted, with a focus on their pathway to the brain.

Music ‘Cascades’ by Podington Bear / CC BY-NC 3.0

Screen capture of referred otalgia, facial nerve

Final Product/s

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