The Doctoral Academy’s first Images of Research competition received 25 eligible submissions for consideration by our expert panel. PGRs were asked to portray their research in a single image along with a 50 word description, providing a great way to showcase public engagement abilities, increase research profiles and get creative all at the same time.
Each entrant was asked to choose a research theme category that they feel matches their submission most closely. This year’s categories were based on our four interdisciplinary research themes:
Understanding and improving health and wellbeing
Life-enhancing creativity and design
Innovating technological solutions to tomorrow’s problems
Promoting social change to enhance diversity, justice and socio-economic prosperity
The Doctoral Academy has thoroughly enjoyed exploring the fantastic research being done by their PGRs through the images and short descriptions submitted, and the judges were very impressed with the quality of the entries and the variety of topics. In this blogpost, you’ll find all the entries submitted under the second theme of ‘Life-enhancing creativity and design’.
Survival Cloak, Spring 2020 – Cate Newton, School of Art & Design
Description: Survival Cloak, Spring 2020. Wearable tapestry woven from enteral feeding tubes during May 2020. Enteral feeding tubes are used to provide nutrition to looked-after people who, as a result of a medical condition, are unable to swallow.
A River in Paradise – Allan Davies, School of Art & Design
Description: This painting is part of a series that follows the aspect of my research into the interpretation of contemporaneous devotional material. My research is located at the intersection of several disciplines….humanities, art history, theology et al. but most importantly in the centrality of my pictorial representations.
Classic Embryology – Guillermo Serrano Najera, School of Life Sciences
Description: Early chick embryos are a flat disk made of thousands of cells that move generating a flow with two vortices. We found that the tissue flows can be decomposed into three orders: the Doric captures the lengthening of the embryo, the Ionic the volutes and the Corinthian noise. Classic embryology.
Legacy – Li Huang, School of Art & Design
Description: Legacy. For many, daily life has become more contemplative since lockdown. Upon nightfall, thoughts turn to loved ones. My research investigates concepts of kinship and mortality through the process of painting a self-portrait lapping-over an earlier portrait of my father, invoking elements of Chinese cultural belief on this personal journey.
Mother & Child – Louise Ritchie, School of Art & Design
Description: Mother & Child expresses the materiality within creative processes inherent in Contemporary Art forms. The physical and non-physical properties of materials reveal a dual nature, demonstrating and signifying complexity. The g-clamp exists to hold materials during making but here, exists as both clamp and object-artefact in itself.