Our newest exhibition in the Tower Foyer gallery spotlights some of the most recent additions to the University of Dundee Museum Collections. Focusing on art and design, it also features objects relating to science, medicine and natural history. Among the highlights are:
• Artworks acquired for the collection of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design from Degree Shows and Graduate Showcases

• A bronze cast of the hands of keyhole surgery pioneer Professor Sir Alfred Cuschieri

• Graphic design work from a large collection donated by Art College alumna Kathleen Mowat
• An early laptop used by flatscreen technology pioneer Peter Le Comber

• Original comics art including Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy
As part of our commitment to support equality and diversity we have also been actively acquiring work by notable artists of colour. The exhibition includes work by Sekai Machache, Alberta Whittle, Ade Adesina and more.
The exhibition runs from Mon 17 January – Fri 1 April 2022 . The Tower Building is open Mon – Fri 9.30am-7pm.
Book the exhibition on Eventbrite.