Co-written by Léa Joshi (Museum & Gallery Studies, University of St Andrews) and Amy Crawford (MGS funded Museum Engagement Officer)
The new exhibition of the University of Dundee Museums highlights the works of former students of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in 1968-72. The exhibition looks at both previous and current work of the former students, as well as documenting their time at the College.
Despite the artists going on to have varied careers such as social work, teaching, administration and they all agree that their time at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art was a fulfilling time of their lives and they never stopped making art.
Beside some of the artworks in the gallery you will find QR codes which take you to videos of the artists speaking about their time at the college and their practice. The exhibition showcases a wide range of artworks from drawings, textile design, prints, ceramics and jewellery.
Some highlights include:
Alison Lindsay
After graduating in silversmithing and jewellery, Alison found a job in London at the Jane Allen Jewellery Co Workshop. She also worked as an illustrator and a life drawing teacher before returning to Scotland to study Information Technology at the University of St Andrews. Now that she is retired, she “hope[s] […] to be able to devote more time to jewellery making.”

Calum Strathie
Calum Strathie studied ceramics. He remembers those years being filled with “fun, laughter, learning and friendship” as well as “having a good time with people”. He then worked with several different potters before getting, in his words, a “proper” job in Youth and Social Work. He retired in 2016 and sees this as an “opportunity to return to making pots.”

Janet Tod
Janet studied drawing and painting and describes studying at Duncan of Jordanstone as “A dream come true.” She went on to be awarded a place at Hospitalfield summer school and went on to win the George Ducan of Drumfork Travelling Scholarship. She shows her work mainly in London but has kept her Scottish roots.

Let’s Go Round Again is open until 22nd April 2022 in the Lamb Gallery situated in the Tower Building. The Tower Building is open Mon – Fri 9.30am-7pm.
Let’s Go Round Again : Museum : University of Dundee