‘Dwelling’, whether in the spatial or temporal sense, seems to imply a sense of stability. So what happens to dwelling in an age when we are ever more conscious of extremes? We can readily name all sorts of extremes that have become topical for us: comfort/terror, local/global, wealth/inequality, short-term/long-term, left/right, secular/fundamental… But how can we learn to live with them, to dwell with them?
The exhibition included an intriguing series of panels (on terror, fake news, emotion, and philosophical approaches to dwelling), and an exploration of not only what it is that we find ourselves confronted with, day in, day out, but also how we can engage with and make sense of it, and how it can affect us.
Thanks to all the staff and students involved. For more information on the Arts and Humanities MFA see https://www.dundee.ac.uk/postgraduate/art-humanities.