Every year, students on the MScs in Medical Art and Forensic Art & Facial Imaging at the University of Dundee present their work as part of the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design ‘Master’s Show’. For the last two years this has taken the form of an online showcase only, due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. However, 2022 will see a return to a physical exhibition and staff and students are very excited!

There will be a total of 12 medical and forensic art students exhibiting their final semester projects. Topics on display will include interactive 3D models and animation of the developing brain for anatomy education; 3D models and drawings exploring the senses; resources, including an animation aimed at education cares of people with Alzheimer’s disease; the anatomy of the hand sculpted in wax; a webpage and 3D interactive models visualising Oxidative Phosphorylation for life science students; an animation exploring prion diseases; resources on the senses and human experience for design students; an animation and booklet on understanding lazy eye for parents; 3D interactive models and signage looking at plant anatomy and specifically the medicinal uses of the daffodil in collaboration with the botanic gardens and the Scottish Daffodil project; a project designing an interactive platform to support unidentified person enquiries, in collaboration with Locate International; a 3D digital reconstruction of a Scottish archaeological skull found in a long cist, housed in the University of Edinburgh; and finally digital and manual archaeological facial reconstructions of early bronze age and medieval skulls from the Natural History Museum Vienna.

The exhibition opens for a private view on Friday 2nd September with general access from the 3rd of September through to the 11th. You can see information on how to book on the Masters Show website www.dundee.ac.uk/masters-show