Put a spring in your step by reading about the wonderful activities happening in the Botanic Garden. Their latest report showcases some of the events and exhibitions that have happened recently. The Garden is actively exploring new ways of facilitating public engagement through outdoor education, on site workshops and art science exhibitions events aligned to the Green Gallery.
Events have included spotlight workshops focusing on birds in collaboration with RSPB and the creation of a lichen trail linked to the Dundee Naturalist Society and the British Lichen Society.
Exhibitions and events have continued in the Green Gallery with shows from 17 artists planned in 2024.
A new labyrinth is available which was designed by Robert Holmes, and cut into the wildflower meadow by Sarah Carlton and the garden team. This family-friendly pattern of gentle curves will provide relaxation and fun for children too.
Upcoming activities include outdoor flower painting and meeting bats during Friday Night at the Botanics.
You can access the Botanic Garden report here Spring report

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