Every March, Dundee Women’s Festival takes place with events occurring across the city. This year’s theme “Today’s Women Shape Tomorrow’s World” has sparked enthusiasm with University staff and students who have organised a myriad of events.
You can pick to:
- learn about the new creative corner of campus
- participate in a panel discussion on a feminist future
- chat to women scientists on their soapboxes
- borrow a human book from a living library
- use forensic anthropology to solve the case of missing Bertha
- attend many more…

Museum Services’ current exhibition in the Lamb Gallery, Let’s Go Round Again, showcases work by alumni of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art who studied from 1968-72.
As part of the festival, they are hosting a special event inviting women artists and designers showing in the exhibition to discuss their time at art school and the challenges they faced as women in a male-dominated art world. Taking part in this live in-person discussion are alumni Sheila Mortlock, Anne Skinner, Janet Tod and Dorothy Walker and former staff member Sheila Macfarlane, then Head of Printmaking. The event is on Tuesday 15 March from 6-7 in the D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, places must be booked in advance via Let’s Go Round Again – The Women’s Angle Tickets, Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite.
Showing throughout the Festival is Dundee’s Wonder Women of Science. This eye-catching poster exhibition showing notable Dundee women was created by Museum Services in collaboration with the University Archives and School of Life Sciences with illustrations by DJCAD alumnus James Gemmill. It was first shown at last year’s festival in the windows of the Overgate Shopping Centre and has now been redisplayed in the foyer of the Dalhousie Building where it can be seen throughout the festival.

The Festival programme and poster were designed and illustrated by current DJCAD illustration student Ellen Forbes.

The Festival runs from Saturday 5 until Sunday 20 March in-person and online. The programme is available at https://dundeewomensfestival.org.uk/ with many events bookable through Eventbrite.
The University of Dundee sponsors this year’s Festival through the Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund awarded to the University of Dundee.