HerStory of Science exhibition opened at the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee on Friday, 3rd March 2017 with some of the descendants of those featured in attendance. A series of outdoor posters consider the early history of women’s contributions to science from a local perspective. The extraordinary achievements of 10 women from across the scientific disciplines – from medicine to astronomy to engineering – are featured including Mary Lily Walker, Margaret Fairlie and Williamina Fleming
HerStory of Science considered the early history of women’s contributions to science from a local perspective and importantly the progress made by showing all the female professors at the University of Dundee at the time. The exhibition features Mary Ann Baxter, who co-founded the University of Dundee on the principle of equality of education and the study of science, literature and fine arts. The extraordinary achievements of 10 women from medicine to astronomy to engineering were featured including Mary Lily Walker, Margaret Fairlie and Williamina Fleming.
The exhibition was designed with the general public in mind as the boards were within a publicly accessible area outside the School of Life Sciences in the University when firstly on display from March – September 2017. It was important that the achievements of these women past and present are visible and inspire the next generation of researchers. The exhibition was promoted as part of the Women in Science Festival and in local media, including a report on STV Dundee news segment. The boards then moved down to Slessor Gardens in the summer of 2018 when phase two of the Discovery Walk opened. The Walk features a series of plaques honouring the achievements of scientists, innovators and social reformers in Dundee.
Whilst we are not on campus, we can still enjoy the HerStory boards virtually – see each of the boards below.
The HerStory of Science project has been supported by Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund, MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit, Athena SWAN at the School of Life Sciences, LifeSpace Science Art Research Gallery and the University of Dundee Archive Services.
The organisers were: Morag Martin (Life Sciences), Sarah Cook (DJCAD), Inke Nathke (Life Sciences), Eddie Small (Creative Writing) and Amy Cameron (Life Sciences) with support from University of Dundee Archives services.