Welcome to the #DundeeUniCulture blog! We will be using this space to share with you and celebrate the cultural activity that our staff and students participate in across the university. From our archives, museums, art, sports, music, theatre, botanics, photography, literature… the list goes on! We aim to give you a digital snapshot into the various cultural activities happening at the university.

Would you like to get involved with the #DundeeUniCulture blog by sharing your cultural activity with us? Share yours with the hashtag on social media, or email us at dundeeuniculture@dundee.ac.uk to send in your post to be added to the blog. All forms are welcome – from videos, podcasts, photographs, a piece of writing, or whatever you feel would best showcase your cultural activity – so don’t be afraid to get creative!

You can also follow us on X and Instagram for regular updates.