Writing Online Exams

Online exams might be new to most of us, but they’re no more difficult than traditional exams. While there are some challenges, like sorting out your tech set-up, there also are some unique benefits, particularly in terms of wellbeing.

In this Lightning Session, we cover all aspects of writing online exams, from putting your wellbeing first to managing your time to handling tech errors. Watch the recording, then scroll down for our top tips!




1 Write Healthy

Traditionally, exams were short and intense. While some online exams will just be 2-3 hours, many others will give you a much longer period, anywhere from 12 hours to a week! If you have one of these longer exams, it’s vital that you don’t work constantly during that period. In fact, it’s often best to write the exam in a 2-3 hour period, just like before.

Here are a few wellbeing tips for extended online exams:

  • Set up your space. Find a quiet spot, and make sure your desk is tidy. Gather everything you need, like pencil and paper, and make sure your phone is on silent or in another room.
  • Establish boundaries. These can be interpersonal (make sure your family or flatmates know not to disturb you) or personal (decide what time you want to stop working every day, and stick to it).
  • Eat, sleep, and exercise. Make sure your exam doesn’t interfere with these important activities. You should also drink lots of water and eat healthy snacks during the exam, and even take quick breaks to stretch or meditate.


2 Write Smart

Running out of time during an exam is a major worry for many students. Even in a longer exam, it’s important to know how to plan out your exam to get the most out of your time.

  • Read the full paper. Before starting to write, make sure you know exactly how many questions there are and which ones you’ll answer.
  • Make a plan. It’s helpful to allocate a certain amount of time to each question, ideally based on how much the question is worth. If you’ve got one question worth 30% and one worth 70%, then you don’t want to run way over time on the first question and end up only half-finishing the longer one.
  • Know how to avoid plagiarism and collusion. You can read more in our Collusion vs. Collaboration guide, but the key thing is to follow the Academic Misconduct Statement you’ll find in your exam module. This says that you aren’t allowed to talk to anyone (including friends, family, coursemates, or university staff) about your exam. Sending a friend an encouraging “I know you can do this!” text before the exam starts is okay, but definitely steer clear of any chat about which questions you’re answering or what sources they’re using.
  • Finish Well. Leave a significant chunk of time at the end to go over your exam. This allows you to fix any errors in your work, and it also means that if something goes wrong during the upload, you still have plenty of time to fix it.


3 Troubleshooting Your Tech

If something goes wrong during your exam, don’t panic! There are all sorts of ways to fix any error that comes up. Here of the first things you should do:

  • Read the error message. Error messages on My Dundee are generally fairly good at telling you what the problem really is, so take a minute to read it carefully.
  • Clear your cache and cookies. If you’re getting an unusual login pop-up, follow these instructions to clear your cache and cookies, or try using an incognito browser.
  • Try a different browser. Often, simply switching browsers will get around unusual errors.
  • Save as a different file type. If your file won’t submit, switching to another format (such as PDF) often helps. You can do this easily in word with the “save as” function.
  • Compress your images. If your file is too big to upload, follow these directions to compress images in your word document.



We hope this Lightning Session has made you feel more confident about writing your online exams! You can find more top tips in our Writing Online Exams Guide, or in our Revision Bites resource.

Revising for Online Exams

Revising for online exams involves many of the same techniques and strategies as in-person exams. It’s important to focus on active rather than passive learning and to practice information retrieval and recall. If these terms are new to you, then check out our Effective Revision lightning session, or our Revision Bites resource for more information.

That said, there are several key differences between online and traditional exams. For starters, online exams tend to be “open book,” meaning you’re allowed to use notes and textbooks during the exam. This may feel like it makes the exam easier, but, actually, it means that the focus shifts from memorising to understanding. Rather than cramming your head with facts, your revision should be about making connections and figuring out how to use the information.

Also, the technological aspect of online exams may be daunting for some of us, particularly if we’ve got slow devices or internet. Fortunately, there are several ways you can test the technology ahead of time so you can have more confidence on the day!

To learn more, watch the recording of our Lightning Session, then scroll down for our top tips!




1 Revise Healthy

Revision can be a stressful time, so it’s important to prioritise your wellbeing during these weeks. Here are a few top wellbeing suggestions:

  • Take breaks! When you feel your focus lagging, get away from the screen for a little bit. A quick cup of tea, a brisk walk, or even a few minutes enjoying your hobbies will rejuvenate your mind.
  • Establish boundaries. Ideally, you’ll have a separate place to work (ie, a desk rather than your bed) away from where you typically relax. At the end of the day, leave the work behind and focus on relaxing, instead!
  • Remember to eat, sleep, and exercise. Research shows that healthy food improves your brain function, while exercise and sleep are essential for memory consolidation.


2 Revise Smart

The most important thing is to know the format of your exam. How many questions will there be, and will they be short-answer or essay length? Will you have a choice between questions? Are you expected to refer to secondary sources, and, if so, do you need to provide full references? If you’re not sure about your exam format, then you should check My Dundee and email your tutor if you have further questions.

Once you know the format, it’s important to focus your revision on understanding, rather than memorisation. If your exam is open book, you don’t need to cram facts into your head! Instead, make sure you have well-structured notes that are easily searchable (ctrl + F is your friend!). If you need to reference, make sure you have a full bibliography of all your sources before the exam begins. Having a solid grasp of how your module fits together and knowing where to find everything is key for an online exam.


3 Test Your Tech!

To make sure everything goes smoothly on the day, you should use your practice exam module to get familiar with the tech before the exam. You can find your practice exam module on My Dundee, but if it’s still locked, you can see what it will look like in the recording of this Lightning Session.

It’s important to practice uploading your exam paper, just to test how long it takes. This will also let you know if you’ve got the right kind of file. It’s also best to do your test using the same equipment you’ll use for the exam; there’s no point making sure everything works on your phone if you’re actually going to write the exam on your laptop!


We hope this brief overview helps you prepare for your upcoming exams! For a more comprehensive guide, see our Revising for Online Exams resource, or check out our Writing Online Exams Lightning Session!

Revision Research

A key part of revision is research. Whether you’re actively seeking out new papers or just brushing up on material from the module, finding and reading the right information will be central to your revision.

Typically, we’d associate revision and research with going to the library. While we are not yet back to pre-COVID normality on campus, the Library is still available as a place of study for those who take solace among the books, provided COVID safety restrictions are adhered to.  A key one of the restrictions is pre-booking your study desk before attending the Library, as we are still operating at reduced seating capacity.  You will also need to abide by social distancing of two meters and wear a face covering throughout your stay at the Library. 

The Library offers more than just a quiet space for study, though, as it also provides you with access to the resources that your lecturers recommend you read for your module. Most lecturers use our Resource List platform to organise the reading for a module. Revisiting this list should be on your revision agenda, making sure you haven’t skipped over anything important and supplementing your course notes with evidence you can cite in exams. 

To learn more about the library and resource lists, watch the recording of our Lightning Session. Then, keep scrolling to read our Top Tips for making the most of your revision time!



Top Tips for Research

Before beginning to research, it’s important to know what you’re looking for. The questions below will help you identify how much reading you need to do and how to focus on key sources.

  • How many sources you will realistically need to cite or refer to during your exam? This will vary depending on your exam format and your tutor’s instructions.
  • What sources are key to the module and would be expected to be referred to in an exam answer? For example, is there a key theorist or expert in that area, or a core text your lecturer used?
  • What are the key points you can distil from an article and how do these fit into the learning objectives of the module?
  • Do you have any gaps in your knowledge? The recommended or further reading suggestions in the Resource List might held fill these!
  • Will you be expected to format references in a certain way during an exam? Having references prepared and ready to copy and paste into an answer will save time and avoid stress!
  • Organising and cross-referencing your sources by topic in your notes can also help you to structure your exam answers and find the information you need under time pressure.


Top Tips for Reading

If you’ve suddenly discovered you have far more reading to do than you thought, never fear! In that case, try some of these efficient reading tips: 

  • Read the introduction and conclusion first to judge if it’s worth committing to reading the whole source. 
  • Look for landmarks such as subheadings to get to the most relevant sections.
  • Make notes as you read to highlight key points and to reflect on how this might apply to an exam question.


If you have any difficulties accessing a resource recommended on a Resource List, have a question about using the Library for study, or want advice on referencing a source please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Library.



This blog post was written by Kayleigh McGarry, Digital Skills Librarian.

Digital Fatigue

After a year of lockdowns, we’re all experiencing some level of digital fatigue. Whether we’re suffering physical consequences like headaches or eyestrain, or mental symptoms like lack of motivation or depression, digital fatigue can have a severe impact upon our wellbeing.

The good news is that there’s lots we can do to combat digital fatigue and improve our wellbeing, even during this unusual year. Watch our Lightning Session recording to learn more, then scroll down for our top tips!



There are all kinds of strategies we can use to combat digital fatigue. Here, we’ve grouped them into three categories: Before, During, and After, your online experience.



Fighting digital fatigue starts even before you get online. The most important thing is to make sure you have a good space to work. We may not all have the luxury of a home office, but make sure you have a well-lit place to work with a good chair. Adjust your screen brightness depending on the time of day, and, if you find your eyes get tired quickly, book an eye test with your optometrist to make sure you’ve got the right prescription.



When you’re working on your computer, monotasking is key. Avoid switching back and forth between windows during a class, or getting distracted by social media when you should be writing an essay. Activities like switching between tabs or scrolling on social media are actually incredibly tiring for our eyes, so it’s best to minimize them. Instead, try taking physical notes (or even doodling!) during class so your eyes aren’t glued to the screen the whole time. You should also remember the 20/20/20 rule, where every 20 minutes you look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.



The best way to beat digital fatigue is to get away from the screen. When you’re finished with your onscreen work, take a proper break away from your computer or phone. It’s particularly good to get out and do something physical, like taking a walk or stretching. If you’re working from home, it helps to set boundaries at the end of your day, where you close all your work tabs or shut down your laptop completely, so you’re not distracted by work when you should be winding down in the evening.


Strategies like these won’t make digital fatigue go away entirely, but they will help you to stay healthy and improve your wellbeing, even in these challenging circumstances!