Digital Media
Top tips to help you create digital content that is well designed and accessible. Ensuring your content is easily accessible and inclusive is beneficial for all.
Rehearse presentations with PowerPoint presenter coach
Polish up your presenting skills The presenter coach feature in MS PowerPoint allows you to...
Student Video Collection
Student Video Collection We have begun a collection of instructional videos for students created...
Improve Accessibility with Alternative Text
To improve accessibility of your digital content alternative (alt) text should be added to...
Design your Content with Sufficient Colour Contrast
Whether you are designing a research poster, presentation, or learning resource, you want your...
Embed quizzes into YuJa videos
Embed quizzes into YuJa videos Keep your students engaged with the embedded quiz features...
Visual Notetaking – Students
Transform your studies with visual notetaking Visual notetaking or sketch-noting is the practice...
Customising your Cusor
When presenting online or creating video content we can help to improve the experience for the...
Using Heading Styles in MS Word
Heading styles are in-built formatting options that will format your text for you and provide an...
Downloading Alternative Formats
You can download alternative formats of original files, such as PowerPoints, PDFs and documents,...
Adding Effective Hyperlinks to your Content
Effective hyperlinks should convey the destination or purpose of links in way that is accessible....
Organising Content on My Dundee
Organising Content on My Dundee This post will be useful if you are working on any of the...

Tech and Tools - Top Tips
Top tips for getting the most out of your digital education tech and tools, including My Dundee, Collaborate, YuJa and MS office.