We can support staff by providing guidance on the tools and services available to help with your teaching objectives.

The School of Medicine’s dedicated online platform for the core learning and teaching resources for the MBChB programme.
Posters and Infographics
Information and guidance on how to create successful visuals documents.
Guides and Resources

MBChB Moodle is the Medical School’s new platform for delivering the core learning and teaching content across the MBChB programme. Moodle has replaced Medblogs and DELTA which are available for reference.
Please contact TILT for any assistance with Moodle and editing access to a particular course.
Whilst we recommend Yuja, we realise that this is not always possible for pre-recording lectures. PowerPoint is an easy to use alternative to record audio directly into your PowerPoint show.
We are also standardising the branding of the School’s lecture presentations and other content. This will encourage school-wide branding an help you to meet the accessibility requirements.
Padlet is another fantastic online collaboration tool that can increase student engagement. Padlet lets users post notes on a digital wall. Notes posted buy students or staff can contain links, images, video, comments and more.
Padlet is commonly used for Q&A and information. However, there are many creative ways to use Padlet once you get started.
Note: you need a university account to access Padlet
Panopto has replaced YuJa as the University’s video recorder and library.
Panopto can be used to record lectures on teaching computers and on your own device.
YuJa has been replaced by Panopto and no new Yuja videos can be made.
All previously recorded Yuja videos have been migrated to Panopto and can be found in your private ‘My Folder’ in a folder called ‘Migrated from YuJa’.
For those who manage modules on MyDundee then please view the guidance for relinking Panopto videos, or if you have shared Yuja videos with specific individuals or more widely then please view the Panopto guidance on how to share a video.
There are a range of collaboration tools to encourage and facilitate student engagement. Using these tools in online and in-person environments can encourage active learning and participation from your students. Mentimeter is one of them.
Mentimeter allows you to build interactive presentations with an easy-to-use online editor, directly from your browser. Add questions, polls, quizzes, slides, images, GIFs and more to your presentation to make them more engaging and fun. Your audience can use their smartphone or other device to connect to your presentation and answer questions/provide feedback.
Note: you need a university account to access Mentimeter
Medblogs and DELTA
Medblogs and DELTA have been replaced by MBChB Moodle and are no longer being updated as of July 2023 but is still available for locating historical information. Please visit MBChB Moodle for the latest information and teaching materials, and update your bookmarks to https://mbchb.dundee.ac.uk.
A University/NHS Tayside account required to access Medblogs – contact tilt@dundee.ac.uk
Infographic Template
Extra Information
Booking a Laptop/ Using a Recording Room
The Medical School Office have laptops to help facilitate the use of lecture recordings and online classrooms. There is a recording pod available if you need a quiet space to pre-record a lecture or tutorial. The equipment set up includes a computer, desk with dual monitors, webcam, microphone and ring light. Please email tilt@dundee.ac.uk if you would like support for pre-recording content or would like to use our recording pod.
Staff Development for Medical Educators
The School runs regular workshops aimed at staff involved in teaching medical students as well as doctors in training. These workshops are now being delivered successfully using virtual webinar sessions.
More information about these workshops can be found here:
Useful tools for online teaching, with hints, tips and instructional videos to give you ideas for your teaching: