If you’re doing a university degree, chances are you’ll have to do some academic writing. Whether it’s an essay, a report, a reflective journal, an exam, or a dissertation, every degree will include written assessment at some point.
Academic writing can feel stressful because it seems so different than the writing we do in our day-to-day lives. The truth is, though, that with a little practice, everyone can get better at communicating their ideas through writing.
Essay Bites
If you’re new to academic writing, we recommend you start with our Essay Bites resource, which works through the basics of the writing process.

Going Further
Got a question that isn’t answered in Essay Bites? Never fear! We’ve got resources covering all aspects of academic writing, from critical analysis to structure to referencing.
Search our resources using the categories below.
Writing and Editing
Critical Analysis (Lightning Session)
Literature Reviews: Paragraph Structure (Blog post)
Academic Style (Lightning Session)
Academic Tone (Video)
Cut Your Wordcount (Lightning Session)
Make Your Writing Flow (Lightning Session)
Writer’s Block (Lightning Session)
Proofreading (Lightning Session)
Using Feedback (Video)
Research and Referencing
Successful Search Strategies (Lightning Session)
Avoiding Plagiarism (Lightning Session)
Paraphrasing (Lightning Session)
Paraphrasing (Video)
Citations (Video)
Secondary Referencing (Video)
Using CiteThemRight for Referencing (Lightning Session)
Planning and Structure
Stay on Topic (Lightning Session)
Structure (Lightning Session)
Reflective Writing
Reflective Writing (Video)
Reflective Writing (Lightning Session)
Report Writing
Report Writing (Lightning Session)