Cite Them Right is a comprehensive guide to referencing which you can access both on and off campus with your University of Dundee login credentials. It is particularly detailed on the Harvard system, but covers many of the other common systems too.
You should take some time to browse through the site and become familiar with the search function. You can find guidance on how to cite and reference almost any imaginable type of source across different referencing systems.
There’s also a book version available through the library – it lacks some of the agility of the website but still offers a comprehensive guide if you prefer to work from a hard copy.
Basics of Referencing
The Basics of Referencing section is a good place to start. There you will find articles, videos and guides on many of the commonly asked questions around referencing and plagiarism.
Referencing Systems
You can also use the site to find out how to cite and reference more or less any type of resource. Begin by selecting your referencing system from the drop down menu…

and then select the type of resource you want to cite. In this example, we’ve chosen a journal article…

You will then see an example of both the citation and reference for that type of source. Perhaps the most useful tool though is the ‘You try’ feature which allows you to enter your source details into a template in order to construct your reference. See it demonstrated in the video below (note the site has been updated since the recording was made, so the layout will look different)…