Fellowship demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. Across four categories, from Associate to Principal, Fellowship provides individuals with recognition of their practice, impact and leadership of teaching and learning.
Fellowship | Advance HE (advance-he.ac.uk)
The Professional Learning (CPD) Framework (PLF) was established in 2022 and is accredited by Advance HE. This scheme enables University staff and students with teaching and supporting learning responsibilities to gain fellowship of Advance HE through the experiential route. Successfully completing fellowship can support a case for academic promotion and may also help to support professional validation by external bodies.to gain accreditation in-house. All applications for Fellowship in Associate Fellow, Fellow or Senior Fellow categories will now be aligned to the PSF 2023 and reviewed and awarded via the PLF, and not directly by Advance HE. There will be no cost involved to staff members.
The PLF sits within the Academic Skills Centre. It is led by Dr Fiona Muir (School of Medicine) and co-ordinated by Monica Matthews (Academic Skills Centre).
Should you be considering applying for Principal Fellowship, please still get in touch with the PLF, as support and/or mentoring can still be offered. As the University of Dundee is an institutional member of Advance HE, you will benefit from a reduced application fee.
Contact plf@dundee.ac.uk for any questions