Duncan of Jordanston College of Art and Design took part in the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign from 25th November – 10th December 2021. Staff and students were involved in several events and actives both on line and on campus. Here are some of the highlights.
On 19th November DJCAD hosted a reclaim the night ‘craftivism’ drop in. This was a banner making workshop in partnership with Student Services and supported by DUSA for UoD staff & students to create banners to take on the Reclaim the Night March.
The Art History & Violence Against Women online conference took place on 25th November – it was livestreamed and can be seen on YouTube here.

On 25th November 2021 DJCAD students took to the streets with the Dundee community to Reclaim the Night in Dundee City Centre.

A display of staff and student work in DJCAD’s Bradshaw Gallery ran from 25th November to 10th December in a show entitled ‘DJCAD Responds: End Violence Against Women Now!’

Finally on 10th December the DJCAD Matthew and Tower Buildings were lit up in orange, purple and green to show support for ending GBV.

The University has support for students who are dealing with gender-based violence.