In March DJCAD (Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design) launched a fantastic hybrid public engagement program.
The first event complemented the Lines of Site exhibition (see below) and was a curators and artists panel discussion which took place on 10 March and featured Dean and artist Prof Anita Taylor, curator Gary Sangster, artist Dillwyn Smith and Dr Demet Gural from Friends of Aşıklı.

More events took place online and in DJCAD’s newly equipped hybrid lecture theatres including Prehistory – Asikli Hoyuk a presentation on 11 March with Emeritus Professor Trevor Watkins (University of Edinburgh) introduced by Dr. Demet Gural (Friends of Aşıklı) This session is also available online.
This was followed by a panel discussion: Interdisciplinary investigation through art, archaeology and archives with Gary Sangster (convenor and co-curator), Eva Bosch (artist), Dr Sarah Casey & Gerry Davies (artists, co-authors of Drawing Investigations: Graphic Relationships with Science, Culture and Environment, Bloomsbury), and Professor Anita Taylor (artist and Dean of DJCAD). This session is also available online.

Watch out for more events coming soon.
Currently showing in the Matthew Building (level 5) is the Lines of Site Contemporary Art and Archaeology Research exhibition which is free and open to the public (if you have pre booked) Wed, Thurs & Fri from 23rd March – 8 April. Pre book your time and date now on Eventbrite Lines of Site / Kazi Izleri Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

The Lines of Site exhibition includes thirteen artists from Catalonia, Colombia, the USA, UK, and Turkey and curators from Australia/UK and Turkey. The exhibiting artists have produced works in drawing, painting, video, sculpture, photography, installation and other art forms within the scope of contemporary art practice all inspired by the Neolithic settlement of Aşıklı Höyük.